Monday, September 14, 2009

Mother of harassment victim disputes other students' claims

A student in the Anoka-Hennepin area claims he was harassed by a teacher, and was forced 20 miles away from his home to seek peace. These teachers were found to have been harassing him because they believed he is gay. Merritt was granted $25,000 for his suffering.

-Star Tribune online


  1. Oh my lanta! That is crazy. Was it verbal harassment? Do you know what city this was in? That is a scary situation.

  2. Interesting story. I remember reading some of this article. It's just another reminder that there are wacko's out there. No matter the profession.

  3. Wow, this looks like a very interesting story. It's so sad when teachers mistreat their students. Teachers are meant to be the positive influences in student's lives.

  4. Hi Melissa--
    I also read about this recently. What was hard to understand was that the teachers were not even fired from their jobs, though I think they're on some type of leave right now. I can only imagine how that student felt to have teachers gang up on him. These teachers definitely misused their power in a cruel way.

    true grimes
