Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My first day with ARCC

My very first day going to class at ARCC I was 17 years old, and was a post secondary student through Monticello Senior Highschool. One of my best friends was also doing PSEO and had all the same classes as I did. We had absolutly no idea where we were going when we got into the school and got very lost looking for our classrooms. Eventually when we did find our class we realized that we had another kid from Monticello in that class as well, who graduated two years before us. We were also late walking into the class room, not only because we were lost in the school but highway 10 had construction on it and was really backed up.
We were done with class by 11 A.M and needed to head back to the school but we were starving and stopped for food on the way back to the highschool. We needed to be into our highschool rooms by 11:58A.M and it takes us at least 40 minutes to get home. Needless to say we were late to that too.


  1. I think everybody is late on their first day. I know I always am.

  2. Sounds like a stressful first day! I bet it helped having another person with you though. Walking in to class late always feels terrible!

  3. Grade: 7/10
    • High school is two words
    • The time should be like this: a.m.
    • Highway should be capitalized
