Monday, October 19, 2009

Final Defendant Guilty in Beating of a Vunerable Man

Last October a man by the name of Justin Hamilton, was attacked and robbed. He was taken to a remote area and beat for hours. Now all of the people involved were charged, found guilty and sentenced, the last one being Jonathan Michael Diepold who was the primary attacker.
-StarTribune Online


  1. It's good to hear that they have all been caught and disciplined. Hopefully they got what they deserve.

  2. good! ususally they never figure out who did it or how it happened. I cant believe some people. Just sad.

  3. Grade: 9/10
    • Don't need comma after Hamilton
    • Last sentence should be split into two after sentenced

  4. It's nice to hear they are all caught. Poor man is probably hysteric that they are all gone.

  5. I agree that that is really good they found them all. I think that really helps the family and especially the victim start to get their lives moving forward and past the incident.
